Kriti Sanon has been ruling over hearts with her strong presence. The actress was also honoured with the National Award for her performance in Mili. Moving on, in the fashion circuit, Kriti's impeccable sartorial sensibilities have reached new heights. The actress recently made a splash at an event in Mumbai, decked up in an all-white ensemble. The outfit was a Dazluq creation that featured full-length sleeves and a bateau neckline. A cape-like embellishment wrapped around her shoulders like a shawl proved to be the x-factor. The snow-white dress came with a fitted bodice, an A-line skirt, and a subtle front slit. While minimal accessories went well with the attire, Krti added a pop of colour to her monochrome fit with a deep mauve lip shade that was beautifully complemented with matching accessories in the form of her handbag and heels. Blushed cheeks on a dewy base and fluttery eyelashes with a hint of shimmery eyeshadow looked great on her. A sleek updo with a lock of hair left open sealed her OOTD.
Kriti Sanon in white shades makes up for a dreamy affair. And with a sheer sequin play, the magic doubles. For Hello magazine's photo shoot, the actress made a ravishing statement in an ITRH-crafted, shimmery sequinned silver pantsuit. Doused with plenty of mirrorwork, Kriti sparkled like a star in the attire. In a bold move, she left the lapel-collared blazer unbuttoned, baring her mid-riff. Matching high-rise flared pants rounded off her glam game. Silver chunky bracelets, stacked one upon the other were the perfect accessories. With her outfit so dazzling, Kriti opted for minimal makeup and nude lipstick. Her hair was styled in short curly tresses.
Kriti Sanon has been “feeling white” for quite some days now. Her fashion choices bear proof. During the promotions of Ganpath, the actress spelled brilliance in a little white dress from designer Shweta Kapur's label 431-88. A sleeveless sheer white jacket with a baggy silhouette gave the monochrome white dress an edgy fix. Contributing to the fierce factor was Kriti's choice of a sleek choker, ear cuff, statement rings, and above-knee white boots. Dewy-fresh makeup consisting of blush-tinted cheeks, light pink lip colour, and smokey eyes gave the finishing touches to her makeup aisle.
We simply can't get enough of Kriti Sanon's wardrobe.
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