Tamannaah Bhatia, among other Bollywood celebrities, attended the Indian Film Festival of Melbourne 2022 recently and looked graceful and elegant in her closet choices. While striking a pose at the Melbourne Cricket Ground, Tamannaah looked cheerful in a yellow bodycon midi dress. The dress was from clothing brand House of CB and featured strappy sleeves, a deep, plunging neckline and body-hugging fit. The actor picked a pair of white pointed heels to go with the monochromatic outfit. Leaving her mane loose in beachy waves, the actor opted for minimal glam makeup with well-defined eyes and glossy lips.
Also Read: Just Tamannaah Bhatia Busting Out Her Power Moves In A Gorgeous Teal Pantsuit
Tamannaah Bhatia opted for a stunning monochrome outfit for the launch of the new Lord Of The Rings franchise. The actor opted for a flowy dress featuring a sweetheart neckline, string detailing and cutouts. The flowy, pleated bottom perfectly complemented the top. The actor picked a pair of strappy chain heels in gold that added a dramatic edge to her red outfit. Her makeup and hair are kept to the minimum with glam dewy makeup and a sleek tied bun.
Did you check out Tamannaah Bhatia's red carpet look recently? She decked up in a classic off-shoulder in black with a statement-making green bow attached to it. The outfit gave the classy vintage vibes possible as Tamannaah gave it a modern twist. The outfit featured a dramatic side slit, the mesh gloves and the bow made the look outshine. Her minimal makeup with peach lips and well-contoured cheeks with her parted hairstyle looked perfect with her attire. Her choice of dangling earrings added the well-deserved sophistication.
Also Read: Tamannaah Bhatia Looks Ethereal As Always In A Beautiful White Gown
Tamannaah Bhatia recently wore a peppy outfit in pink and orange and stunned her fans. The actor picked a blazer-like pink cropped shirt and teamed it with a zesty orange midi dress. The skirt had little hearts cutout over it which looked adorable. Her choice of strappy heels in gold and the pair of delicate gold earrings completed her look.
We are totally adoring Tamannaah's effortless styling.
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