After lighting up Times Square, Mahesh Babu's daughter Sitara is once again in the limelight. Accompanied by her mother, Namrata Shirodhkar, Sitara looked beautiful when she made an appearance for her first media interaction. She radiated utmost poise as she looked beautiful one-shoulder oyster grey gown worth Rs 1,42,900. The tulle-draped gown from Tarun Tahiliani featured a fluted bodice that gave an ultra-modern touch to her look. The tulle stole that flows from the shoulder perfectly added a flare to her style. She completed her attire with a signature minimal look and a sleek necklace. The star kid endorsed renowned jewellery brand PMJ Jewels and recently, she launched a lookbook at a press conference where she looked strikingly elegant.
Also Read: Mahesh Babu's Daughter Sitara Lights Up Times Square In Sparkling Ethnic Looks
When looking at Sitara's style, it is nothing short of elegant glam. She looked stunning when she lit up Times Square with her striking ethnic outfits. For one of her looks, she went for an ethereal ethnic wear number by Falguni Shane Peacock which came gorgeously embellished with stones and sequins. The beautiful pink hue of the outfit looked gorgeous.