The denim-on-denim trend is much-loved in Bollywood. Many of the Bollywood stars have been showing us how to effortlessly carry this street fashion trend like a pro. Kiara Advani, Rakul Preet Singh and Janhvi Kapoor are a few of the divas who have made a chic case for denim outfits lately. Another celeb to embrace this trend is Rashmika Mandanna, who made casual Sundays look good in blue denim jacket teamed with a loose fit pair of jeans and a basic white crop top that has become a wardrobe staple. For accessories, Rashmika wore a pair of delicate golden hoop earrings. Keeping her makeup minimal, the actor wore a glossy lip colour, shimmering eyeshadow and a subtle eyeliner.
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Rashmika Mandanna's wardrobe choices when it comes to smart casuals are envy-worthy. The actor's all-white airport look recently grabbed all the attention it deserved. Taking the monochrome trend seriously, Rashmika wore a white crop top and teamed it with a pair of straight wide-legged pants. Adding a glamorous edge to the outfit, the actor carried a full-sleeved white jacket over the crop top. Leaving her silky mane loose, Rashmika opted for a minimal dewy makeup.
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Rashmika Mandanna gave us major summer dressing goals when she opted for a summery spaghetti dress. The strappy mini dress had delicate floral prints in green and pink. The mini dress had a box neckline and a small side slit. The actor left her hair open and wore a half ponytail. Rashmika kept her makeup minimal as she wore a nude lip colour. We have also seen Patralekhaa, Parineeti Chopra, Sanya Malhotra wears some stunning floral outfits this summer season.
Which of Rashmika's casual outfits is your favourite?
CommentsAlso Read: Rashmika Mandanna Is All Smiles At The Airport Thanks To Her Chic Travel Style