Currently busy with the shooting of the show India's Best Dancer 2, Malaika Arora does not forget to share her gorgeous outfits from the set, leaving us completely smitten every time the diva makes an appearance on the gram. This time, Malaika chose a sequin gown from the shelves of Maison Met and rocked the look like a true diva, combining grace and high fashion. With ombre hair and green emerald earrings, Malaika Arora added the perfect amount of colour to the outfit. The straight cut, one shoulder gown was embellished with light brown sequins all over it and a little bit of pink undertone. The celebrity's makeup with glittery black eyes and brown lip shade complemented her bold look perfectly.
When it comes to Malaika Arora and her dresses, we cannot seem to get enough of them. The actress has time and again proved that she can rock any outfit, no matter what it is. And looks like shimmery dresses are her current favourites. The celebrity recently styled a golden metallic one shoulder dress, leaving us hooked to it. Picked up from the shelves of designer house Dundas, the dress was adorned with ruffles at the shoulder and neckline. The high ponytail with small braids and a bold red lipstick is nothing but glamorous.
How can we forget Malaika Arora's disco ready dress which left the whole Instagram wanting to dance through the night? The actress shows that there is nothing like 'too much glitter.' The shimmery backless dress styled by Maneka Harisinghani, is all that is necessary to bring light to a gloomy day. In black and silver shades, Malaika Arora looked absolutely dazzling with fringes all over the outfit.
Malaika Arora has shown that age is just a number and we cannot stop drooling over her clothing choices and taking inspiration from it.