Miss World Manushi Chillar has been one of the most stylish celebrities, who has always made sure to keep her fans hooked on to her Instagram with jaw dropping pictures. The soon-to-be Bollywood actress, who is all set to debut in the movie Prithviraj with Akshay Kumar, looked like an absolute enchantress in her black embellished dress. Featuring a long veil and a high slit, the tube gown that came straight from the shelves of designer Garimon Roferos, made Manushi Chillar shine brighter than a diamond. The body hugging dress was paired with minimum gold jewellery for a fitting finish, and she sported smokey eyes and a pullback bun for a sleek touch.
Just as Manushi Chillar aced the dress in black, we can also catch her looking absolutely stunning in a white gown, again with a slit. The halter neck gown, with criss-cross straps at the back is the most simple and chic dress from the cupboards of Ralph Lauren. Jimmy Choo's silver stiletto heels are another highlight of the outfit. Perfect for a summery day out, Manushi Chillar kept her hair in a side part with contoured face.
Manushi Chillar's high slit summery dresses are the highlights of our days. Posing in front of the pool at the favourite tourist destination, Maldives, the actress and model wore a cami satin dress. This outfit is the most comfortable one for a vacation and yet looks completely stylish. Providing a detaching effect from the middle, the outfit featured a wide waist band, attached to which is the bottom skirt with slit and pleats over it. Soaking the Maldives sun, sitting on a swing with her tresses flowing, Manushi Chillar looked a stunner and we loved her with the "Sapphire skies."
Manushi Chillar's both, red carpet ready as well as summery gowns, are our new favourite and surely makes her stand out from the crowd.