Mouni Roy, who is recently making headlines with her exquisite ethnic choices and saree collection, was seen wearing a multi-coloured shimmer saree in shades of gray, yellow and pink. The actor made this drool-worthy saree choice from the label of Pooja Bagaria for the sets of a reality show, pairing the saree with a gray halter neck blouse. We have seen Mouni Roy choosing stylish western wear earlier. But her ethnic and saree collection is as dreamy and stylish.
Also Read: Mouni Roy Looks Ravishing In A Lovely Lilac Satin Dress
Mouni Roy wears a net saree in the shade of pistachio green with golden motifs from JJ Valaya's collection. The statement-making blouse with the puff sleeves and the golden belt to go with the attire is complementing the saree. Adorned with kundan jewellery like studded golden earrings and bangles from Razwada Jewels, Mouni chooses a headgear with a maangtika. Mouni is giving us major jewellery inspiration too.
Also Read: Mouni Roy Carries Her Sunshine Everywhere She Goes In A Bright Yellow Saree
For a night-event or celebration, Mouni Roy chooses a velvet salwar kameez set in deep hue and silver border with a net dupatta in the same shade from a label called 172 threads. The complete look with studded mojiris and chandbali earrings makes it a gorgeous ensemble to wear while celebrating festivities like the Eid.
No doubt Mouni Roy is a style icon. So, whether it's her western collection or ethnic selection we are sure to take some notes from the actor, while choosing our outfits.
CommentsAlso Read: Mouni Roy In A Sparkly Pink Saare Is Undoubtedly "A Saree Girl Forever"