Known for her eclectic fashion choices and being a regular at prestigious events, Natasha Poonawalla has solidified her status as a fashion-forward trailblazer. In a set of pictures taken before "a verrry fun evening that resembled one of the best raves I'd seen back in the day at the Pyramids in Pune and Goa," she is seen wearing a green Rabih Kayrouz dress that proved to be no exception. The dress perfectly encapsulates Natasha's distinctive taste. The emerald green dress with a plunging neckline extending to a long slit down below is held by a gathered design at the waist. The golden touch doesn't just come from the threads of the dress but also from the bustier she wears under her outfit, a Bulgari Serpenti pendant necklace worn as a head jewel and her golden heels. Natasha Poonawalla's "sign of a good night" lies in the process of losing one's bag but we're glad we glanced upon it in the images for fashion inspiration. The graphic eyes and swept hair only add to this stylish jungle jamboree. Natasha Poonawalla's fashion sensibilities highlight her innate understanding of fashion as a form of self-expression.
Also Read: Natasha Poonawalla Is Flaming Hot In A Fiery Red Cutout Dress
The definition of a red dress can be anything. But with cutouts and Natasha Poonawalla's impeccable sense of fashion, a red dress trumps everything else. A red cutout dress with a slit at the back and ruched detailing draping the corset bodice and skirt made its way for another gala. Cutouts, ruched detailing and drawstrings running through the silhouette of the dress make for an excellent addition. The halter neckline meets at a crisscross drawstring detail at the back and one remains in total awe of all the things that are happening in this dress and still allowing room for a lot more.
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In a world where fashion is a canvas for personal artistry, Natasha Poonawalla continues to be a leading figure. The slit of her pleated red gown, for instance, running down the centre of the dress, serves as a reminder of her penchant for pushing fashion boundaries and nailing them every single time.
Natasha Poonawalla at a friend's party or a social gala can only mean one thing - her style can simply not be beaten.
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