Kiran Rao wears many hats - filmmaker, screenwriter, mother and one of our favourite fashionistas. In January, she attended her step-daughter Ira Khan's wedding festivities in Rajasthan, and we were totally captivated by her fashion choices. In an exclusive chat with NDTV's Abira Dhar, the director revealed that the red saree with the belt that she wore "was my mother's wedding saree. I had never worn it. I had got it thinking I would wear it to my wedding but I wore white at my wedding. For the signing, I wore some lehenga thing and all. But anyway, I had that beautiful Banarasi saree…It was before my sisters were born. So, 60 years old. It's just a gorgeous saree, and I was like, ‘Chalo - wedding in the family, let's wear it.'” Click on the link below to watch the full interview:
Also Read: Kiran Rao Looked Elegant In A Red And Gold Saree With A Contemporary Belted Twist
Kiran then took us through her entire wardrobe for the wedding letting us know that she had very little time to prep for the wedding since her film Laapataa Ladies was in post-production. So all she wore was from her closet, including "a very old black Tarun Tahiliani Saree" that she wore with a "silver onesie" and her Rahul Mishra black dress.
Kiran Rao “Did Not Have Money For Fashion” When She Was Younger
When we asked the director where she gets her unique sense of style from, she said, “It probably comes from a place from when I was much younger, there was no concept of fashion. I did not have the money for fashion and it was not sort of ubiquitous. Fashion Street was my fashion through college. Then, you go to whatever Muzafer tailor to get your kurtas stitched... That was the kind of fashion for most of my life and when I actually began to be seen by the public in a way that I was never seen before, I had to put on a little bit of a thinking hat and be like, ‘ok. You can't be wearing the oldest Kolhapuris and going everywhere.' So that's when I kind of started thinking about it.”
“What? One Lakh Rupees For A Dress? No Chance!”
Speaking about the concept of wearing a designer versus a designer wearing a person, Kiran Rao emphasised, “It's very easy to be pulled into the designer label trap because designers make amazing clothes. And just by wearing, you know, it could be a Chanel suit or something, you are safe. You will be safe; you will never go wrong if you wear a good designer. But the designer is wearing you really. I became conscious of that very early. Because I started travelling with Aamir (Khan). I had never really travelled the world. Going to places like Milan and Paris and LA. You go to see these amazing designer shops. Firstly, only the prices only are enough. I am so middle class, I would look at that and be like, ‘What? One lakh rupees for a dress? No chance!' That was my head space. So, I would buy one or two things that I really like. And then, I would find a way to wear it in a way a bit quirky like I am. It's hard to explain.”
Also Read: Kiran Rao's Black Embroidered Strapless Gown Looks Contemporary Chic With A Traditional Touch
Kiran Rao's Very “Eccentric Wardrobe”
Kiran Rao also shared that she has a “very eccentric wardrobe.” She further added, “I have a lot of clothes, but a lot of them, if you see, you will be like, ‘where, why?' Lots of it is like one-off pieces of things that I would have [bought from] Indian designers. I mostly have Indian designers. It's how you put things together.”
"Mood-Driven" Dressing
Kiran Rao confessed, “I rely a lot on mood. I rely a lot on what phase I am going through in life. Sometimes It's lots of colour.” Talking about her hair colour, she revealed, “I have gone through pink which did not work, now I have blue.” Kiran continued, “I experiment a lot with silhouettes because I enjoy trying different kinds of cuts and it's not like one thing that I feel like always wearing. And being very chic, I had never had this idea to try things on for myself and If I'm excited about it...I mean sure I go wrong, if I am happy with it, cool with it, I step out. It's a bit mood-driven and it's an eccentric way of dressing.”
Also Read: Kiran Rao Aced Stepmom-Of-The-Bride Style With Sass And Elegance In Black And Silver