The upcoming movie Jug Jugg Jeeyo is scheduled to be released in June 2022 and has created great anticipation amongst the fans. The movie stars many Bollywood celebrities and amongst them is veteran actor Neetu Kapoor. The actor is as effortless in her style as she is in her performances. During a promotional event for the film, Neetu Kapoor was a vision in pink as she opted for a gorgeous salwar suit from designer Jayanti Reddy's label. The short kurta had intricate embroidery in shimmering silver and was teamed with a loose fit salwar. The actor wore an embroidered dupatta with the outfit in the same colour and pattern. Adorning the outfit with green stud earrings and heels, Neetu Kapoor looked as elegant and poised as ever.
Also Read: Neetu Kapoor Keeps It Casual Chic On A Summer Afternoon In Chic Black And White
Neetu Kapoor recently posted a picture on her Instagram account from the sets of Dance Deewane Juniors. The actor wore a bright green kurta set which consisted of a full-sleeved collared kurta with intricate embroidery in golden, a pair of straight fit pants and a plain dupatta in the same colour. The actor looked striking with her minimal makeup and nude lip colour.
Also Read: Riddhima And Neetu Kapoor Bring The Best Of Both Ethnic Worlds With Their Lehengas
Neetu Kapoor gave us styling goals as she opted in a stunning floral attire and adorned a contemporary outfit. The actor wore a yellow floral saree and carried a contrasting blue open jacket to complement the outfit. She accessorised the drape with a sleek waist belt, minimal jewellery and makeup which looked perfect with her attire.
The actor's western choices are as stylish as her ethnic outfits. Neetu Kapoor opted for an uber-cool blue button-down shirt and teamed it with a pair of black jeggings. The full-sleeved shirt had embroidery detailing at the shoulder. She accessorised the look with black platform heels and opted for minimal makeup.
We have always swooned over Neetu Kapoor's wardrobe choices, onscreen as well as offscreen.