Actress Kajal Aggarwal tied the knot with entrepreneur Gautam Kitchlu in a private ceremony in Mumbai on October 31, and the internet has been abuzz with her glamorous bridal looks. Kajal Aggarwal left no stone unturned to make her wedding a memorable experience and she did so by keeping her stylish streak on point. Right from her statement wedding lehenga by designer Anamika Khanna to her printed mehendi outfit by designer Anita Dongre, Kajal Aggarwal has been the centre of attention and setting bridal fashion goals for the season.
Kajal Aggarwal also shared her stunning engagement look on her Instagram account and we can't keep our eyes off her bright yellow embroidered saree by Manish Malhotra. Bright hues never fail to make an impression and her saree looked every bit perfect for a special occasion where a little colourpop is always welcomed. The net saree had self floral embroidered patterns and a metallic border to add to the sheen. Kajal teamed it with statement drop earrings to complete her look.
Also read: #KajGautKitched: Kajal Aggarwal's Wedding Outfits Are All About Dreamy Floral Looks
Swirlster Picks Gorgeous Yellow Sarees For You
If you have been looking for ideas for your dream bridal look, then take style tips from Kajal Aggarwal who was an absolute stunner in a red lehenga by Anamika Khanna. Red lehengas is this year's most favourite bridal pick and we loved Kajal Aggarwal's piece that featured intricate zardosi embroidered floral patterns that took 20 people almost a month to create.
Also read: #KajGautKitched: Kajal Aggarwal's Bridal Look Is Beyond Beautiful In Her Glimpse Before The Wedding
Missed seeing Kajal Aggarwal's mehendi look? She kept it pretty and elegant by dressing up in a pastel ethnic suit by Anita Dongre that had beautiful block printed floral patterns on a pastel green base.
Give a glam update to your ethnic looks like Kajal Aggarwal, who has been setting style goals.
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