Rakul Preet Singh and Jackky Bhagnani got married in Goa on Februrary 21. While we were still soaking in their dreamy pastel-hued wedding picks, the couple have now treated us to a fresh post-wedding look. On Friday, Rakul and Jackky were spotted at the Goa airport, as they were heading back to the tinsel town after their wedding celebrations. But what intrigued us was the fact that the couple took an ethnic route for their airport look. Rakul slipped into a yellow Anarkali suit that featured a scoop neckline and came with a stunning flare. The subtle embellished Anarkali set was paired with a heavy-duty dupatta, which featured an overall gold embroidery and its borders were adorned with tassels. She picked a simple neckpiece and a pair of statement danglers from the accessories aisle. Her pink chooda added a contrasting touch to her ethnic look. She left her middle hair open and styled it in curled ends. On the other hand, Jackky Bhagnani looked as handsome as ever in his off-white kurta and pyjama. He paired the kurta with a mock neckline and full sleeves with contrasting white churidar pyjamas. A pair of tan-hued formal shoes completed his look. He picked a pair of black sunglasses from the accessory section.
Just a day after their wedding, we spotted the couple soaking in the breezy Goan vibe. We say this, as right after their wedding the couple ditched ethnics for fuss-free casuals. Rakul Preet Singh wore a floral print romper jumpsuit. The pastel blue number gave a lively vibe with its multi-colour prints in pink and green. It featured a V-neckline and short sleeves. Rakul completed her beachy look with a pair of black sunglasses, pink-toned flats and a yellow side bag. She left her hair open and kept her look minimal by only carrying her pink chooda.
Jackky Bhagnani complemented his wife's chic style with an uber-cool look. The actor-turned-producer wore an oversized floral print shirt atop breezy shorts. The grey-hued shirt highlighted fuchsia pink, green and yellow prints. A simple pair of flats rounded off his holiday look.
The couple's wedding outfits were crafted by designer Tarun Tahiliani. While Rakul Preet Singh slipped into a heavily embroidered blush pink lehenga set, Jackky Bhagnani looked dapper in his ivory-hued sherwani.
The wedding was a closed-door affair with very few pictures that surfaced until recently. Click on the link below for the couple's first look and the style of some of their celebrity wedding guests.