Bollywood actress Katrina Kaif is setting the pre-wedding fashion trend on a whole new level as she slayed in an ethereal and angelic white saree. While the air is rife with rumours of the Bollywood celebrity wedding of Vicky Kaushal and Katrina Kaif, we are building our anticipation with all of it that's coming our way. When it comes to her traditional sartorial numbers, she has always kept it subtle and elegant, making it a statement-worthy attire and she is proving it yet again as she looked radiant as she adorned an Arpita Mehta pristine white ruffled saree. She paired the monochrome saree with a beautiful sleeveless shimmery blouse and drop earrings. The subtle makeup added the right quotient of glam to the entire look. The actress is setting the bar high once again with her pre-wedding fashion choices and we can't help but just take all the inspiration from it.
This has not been the first time that the actress opted for subtle ruffled saree. Ruffle sarees portray class and elegance and with Katrina Kaif's pre wedding fashion choices, all we can do is just look out for some looks and ways to style it. From soothing numbers and playful prints to gorgeous ruffle sarees, Katrina Kaif's choices have always left us dumbstruck and so we decided to go down the memory lane and take some fashion inspiration from her ruffled saree looks to slay the wedding season in style.
Monochromes have been a raging trend for a while now and actress Katrina Kaif is just making it all the more stylish in a beautiful ivory shade ruffled saree. The actress adorned an Anamika Khanna ensemble and looked resplendent as she paired it up with a sleeveless longline jacket. She opted for metallic strappy heels to complete the look.
How can we miss the one when Katrina Kaif donned a bold and fierce red ruffle saree for the red carpet. Going all out, the actress chose to wear a stunning red ruffle saree, paired with a bling golden blouse which had hanging details all over it. Her full face of glam and sleek earrings were perfect to match up the look.
In a beautiful sheer saree ensemble, the actress looked beyond gorgeous as she adorned a neutral shade sheer saree which has intricate sequin work and hanging details over it. The actress chose to keep it minimal with her choice of earrings and makeup, letting her attire do all the talking.
Light and neutral hues are a priority for actress Katrina Kaif as she makes a stellar statement in yet another gorgeous net saree. The sheer saree featured intricate mirror work which added an extra edge to the ensemble.
In yet another signature ivory saree, the actress made sure to slay the organza trend at its best as she chose this ensemble. The beautiful organza saree featured self-intricate embroidered pattern which made the ensemble all the more appealing and stunning. The actress kept it minimal with her open tresses and pretty drop earrings.