We can always look up to Nushrratt Bharuccha for some sassy fashion ideas. She has never disappointed the fashion traffic with her sartorial choices. Nushrratt dropped another sizzling look on Instagram recently and left us starstruck. The actress wore a nude-toned skin fitted top layered with a sheer short cape and a maxi skirt with a slit. Her see-through white cape had stone detailing and geometric designs with crystals, that ended with fringes along the hem. She added a bold twist with a white pleated midi skirt that had a slit on the side. The skirt also had a silver sparkling design in the shape of a belt at the waist. Nushrratt accessorised the look with just a pair of silver earrings. For make-up, she opted for smoky eyes and maroon lipstick. She left her side-parted hair open.
(Also Read: Nushrratt Bharuccha's Colourblock Co-Ord Is Perfect To Brighten Up Gloomy Days)
Nushrratt can pull off any outfit gracefully. Once, she wore a pleasant pink and white printed co-ord set. Her outfit consisted of a tube-style blouse with a sweetheart neckline and a mini bodycon skirt. She layered the outfit with a matching short jacket and looked great. With nude makeup and her straight hair left open, Nushrratt was good to go.
Nushrratt Bharuccha's casual, chic looks are enough to wow us. Recently, she made heads turn in a co-ord set that had different designs in red, grey and black hues. Her outfit included a crop top teamed with matching pants. She wore a blouse with baggy sleeves and a plunging neckline. Nushrratt picked a choker neckpiece and black boots to complete the look.
Fashionistas would agree that Nushrratt Bharuccha is a force to reckon with. She looked stunning in this crop top with a halter-neck detail paired with stunning bottoms. Her flared pants had slits on the sides. A golden neckpiece attached with layered chains suited her. Nushrratt's pink footwear added a dash of colour to her monochrome look.
Nushrratt Bharuccha, once, made us take notes in an indigo top with a skirt that had a slit on the side. Her outfit had multi-coloured intricate thread work accompanied by shell detailing. She added a heavy neckpiece and stacked bangles as jewellery. With her hair pulled back in a ponytail, Nushrratt rocked the look.
Which is your favourite look from Nushrratt Bharuccha's fashion diaries?
Comments(Also Read: Nushrratt Bharuccha's Christmas Style Has Got Us All "Merry")