Nushrat Bharucha's rise on Bollywood's fashion charts has been a treat to watch. From twirling into our hearts with her chic dress to making jogging pants look glamorous, Nushrat is indeed our favourite stylista. Diwali nights require us to ace the traditional look and Nushrat does that gracefully in this beautiful green co-ord set. She wore an embroidered peacock printed kaftan jacket, a statement blouse with black fringes, and straight pants. The outfit was from fashion designer Nupur Kanoi's Sheesha 2022-23 collection. Nushrat Bharucha accessorised the ensemble with a statement necklace. Leaving her brown locks in messy waves, she opted for nude tones and light kohl-rimmed eyes.
Also Read: Not Black Or White, Nushratt Bharuccha Chooses To Be "The Girl In A Red Saree"
How stunning is Nushrat Bharucha in this pink saree? For an awards event, she draped herself in a hot pink saree, which came with a sleek gotta border. She teamed it with a similar colour blouse, featuring a deep V neckline and balloon sleeves. A golden necklace studded with green stones went perfect with the ethnic wonder.
Having a bad day? Nushrat Bharucha is here to change it. This hot pink drape featured a silver border. Nushrat picked a strappy embellished blouse, which was a perfect match with the saree. Accessoires? A pair of oxidised jhumkas and a statement bracelet. Hairdo? Sleek straightened hair. Makeup? A nude pink lip, blushed cheeks, and winged eye-liner.
Nushrat Bharucha's floral printed co-ord set is all about “drama, drama, drama.” She wore a cowl neck strappy crop top and a high-waist skirt. The ensemble featured large floral and leaf prints. A pair of glass danglers were a perfect match with the outfit.
Also Read: Nushrratt Bharuccha Charms Us Yet Again, This Time In A Floral Co-Ord Set
Her yellow printed jumpsuit and shrug duo is a winner. Subtle hoops and pink-blush makeup only complemented the chic look.
Nushrat Bharucha, thank you. You gave us one too many tips for our festive wardrobe. We owe you.
CommentsAlso Read: Nushrratt Bharuccha's Printed Blue Co-Ord Set Makes Bold Boho Dreams Come To Life