Masaba Gupta's sartorial choices are as commendable as her designer skills. The Bollywood diva not just launches a stunning collection of clothing but also wears some exciting numbers and astonishes her fans. May it be her beachwear collection or festive wear drapes, the designer carries her pieces with elegance and poise. This time, on the occasion of Diwali, Masaba looked gorgeous in a pastel floral pre-draped saree from her own collection. The breezy drape had neat pleats and an asymmetrical hemline which added drama and sass to the ensemble. She teamed the drape with a strappy blouse in similar colour palette and print which featured a plunging neckline. For accessories, Masaba wore a heavy choker necklace, stud earrings and carried a potli bag. Tying her mane in a centre parted sleek bun, Masaba's glam makeup consisted of winged eyeliner, well-contoured cheeks and a nude lip colour.
Also Read: Masaba Gupta In A Floral Swimsuit Sure Can Have Fun In The Sun All Year Round
For Diwali 2022, Masaba Gupta wore another striking saree from Masaba collection and stole our hearts yet another time. The polka dot cotton saree in black and white gave the perfect retro vibe to the festivities. The drape had a gold zari border which added to the festive mood. Masaba paired the saree with a strappy halter neck blouse which featured a plunging neckline. She accessorised the look with a pair of dangling earrings and adorned her sleek bun with a gajra. Her festive makeup was also on point.
Also Read: Masaba Gupta Dialed The Holiday Hotline In A Rs 40K Cutout Swimsuit
Masaba Gupta's striped black and white drape had won our hearts in the past and we cannot still get over her look. The fashionista had draped a gorgeous breezy saree from her collection and looked casual chic. The saree had delicate zari borders to add a festive vibe. She teamed the drape with a halter neck blouse in white which too had zari embroidery. For accessories, she wore a pearl necklace and a delicate bracelet. Her mane was tied in a neat bun and she opted for nude glam makeup to complete her sassy look.
We are taking notes from Masaba's ethnic wardrobe for the festive season.
CommentsAlso Read: You Simply Can't Miss Masaba Gupta Set Beach Fashion Goals In A Classic Black Swimsuit