Over-the-top experimental fashion has always been on Priyanka Chopra's fashion list. She is the true monochrome queen, and her sartorial choices are proof. She is giving her fashion choices a 2.0 twist by adding a pop of colour in a gorgeous PP Pink Maison Valentino number. Our mid-week fashion inspiration is all about a dose of ultra-glam and Priyanka Chopra redefines Barbiecore in a stunning pink plunging neckline outfit at the front row show. With sophisticated tailoring and an elegant fit, Priyanka's kaftan dress could make heads turn a million times. She aced a monochrome look with matching pantaboots and a bag. Well, who could resist the alluring charm of pink? The star gave her nod to Valentino's fuchsia pink complete with the brand's monogram logo in the most stylish way and so far, we are loving it.
Also Read: In Citadel, Priyanka Chopra Plays A Super Spy In A Sleek Red Dress
Priyanka Chopra has officially convinced us to incorporate sleek, versatile silhouettes into our wardrobes. If you've been keeping up with Priyanka Chopra's social media handle then we are sure, it is hard for you to miss out on her recent fashion moments that we are truly in awe of. She treated us in the most stylish way as she posed in a gorgeous, figure-grazing strapless gown. What really got our attention was the stunning gorgeous Bulgari bag.
Also Read: Priyanka Chopra Turns Up The Va-Va-Voom In A 'Viva Magenta' Gown
Priyanka Chopra has a thing for monochromes and if you would like to join the illustrious monochrome club, it is about time you start taking cues from the actress. The latter recently was spotted adorning a silky yellow monochromatic number at The Red Sea Film Festival. The number came with a flowing shrug-style silhouette that added an extra edge.
Also Read: Can You Help Priyanka Chopra Pick A Handbag With Her Strapless Black Midi Dress?