Karishma Tanna is spreading her desi girl energy in Busan and we can't help but swoon over her. The actress, who flew to the South Korean city to attend the Busan Film Festival, has been impressing us with her sartorial sensibilities. For her latest fashion outing, Karishma took to the streets wearing a black and white patterned saree from the luxury brand — JJ Valaya. The six-yard drape exuded a fusion of modern-chic and traditional charm. Karishma simply nailed the boho-ethnic look like a true blue fashionista. The subtly-designed brown belt strapped on her waist gave an edgy spin to the monochrome saree. Featuring a plunging neckline, the blouse was ornately decorated with small white prints on a black base. The embroidered sleeves boasted a skilled craftsmanship.
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Karishma flaunted her love for minimal accessories by sporting round-shaped silver earrings and chunky rings. She went for soft-glam makeup consisting of blushed and contour cheeks and a light brown lipstick shade. The small bindi and uber-cool black sunglasses worked wonders for her contemporary-cum-ethnic look. Her side-parted, straight hair was left open in all its glory. She sealed her Busan OOTD with sleek, black boots.
Karishma is spot-on when it comes to fashion. At the Busan Film Festival, the diva not only bagged two awards but also turned heads with her wardrobe choices. Clad in a shimmery black-sequinned Manish Malhotrasaree, she was the epitome of beauty and elegance. Colourful patterns at the end of the flowy drape were the stand-out feature of the ensemble. Karishma teamed the saree with a sweetheart-neck, sleeveless blouse. Dewy makeup and some blush gave her a flawless finish. Those blue emerald earrings and mid-bun hairdo elevated her avatar.
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Karishma was the ultimate bling girl in this silver fringe short dress from the shelves of designer Ambika Lal. Nude makeup helped to tone down heavy sparkle, while those Prada-tailored pointy silver sandals were just the perfect fit.
Dreamy and flirty is what best describes Karishma's printed pink bikini and cape ensemble. Designed by Abirr and Nanki from their fashion label Limerick, the spunky outfit was the actress's choice for her Turkey vacation. Subtle makeup and messy hair sealed her OOTD.
Karishma Tanna is setting temperatures soaring with her wardrobe picks.
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