Former Pakistani cricketer Shahid Afridi's eldest daughter Aqsa Afridi tied the knot with Naseer Nasir in an intimate wedding last year in December. However, Aqsa's Rukhsati ceremony took place on recently on 7 July, 2023. The sportsman has now dropped a series of heartwarming unseen pictures from the special day. The snapshots featured the father-daughter duo sharing an emotional moment. We couldn't help but notice Aqsa's gorgeous red lehenga from Republic Womenswear. The heavy-duty outfit had exaggerated embellishment all over on the bright red fabric. She wore a full-sleeve blouse, showcasing dense embroidery on the sleeves. It was worn atop a floor-sweeping lehenga with a flowing hem. The matching tulle dupatta with broad embellished borders and scallop ends rounded off her bridal look. Another net dupatta was placed over her head, to give the look and feel of a veil. Her bridal jewellery consisted of various traditional pieces, including broad matha patti with mang tikka, delicate looking big nath, and jadau set.
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Meri pyari beti- it seems like yesterday when I cradled you in my arms - and on that day, I promised myself I would never leave your side. Although you're about to begin a new chapter in your life, you'll always have my heart because I'm the man who loved you first. ???? May Allah…
ADVERTISEMENT— Shahid Afridi (@SAfridiOfficial) July 8, 2023
In the pictures, Shahid Afridi looked handsome as ever in his classic all-black look. He wore a three-piece set that included Pathani kurta with pyjamas. Afridi layered his ensemble with a subtly striped Nehru jacket, showcasing a buttoned-down style. This July was when Shahid Afridi held a lavish Rukhsati ceremony for his daughter Aqsa. The event was attended by their family, friends and members of Pakistan's cricket team.
For her lavish Walima ceremony as well, Aqsa Afridi turned to Republic Womenswear once again. She slipped into a heavenly ice blue lehenga with silver embellishment. The full-sleeve blouse was paired with an oh-so-gorgeous lehenga that came with a stunning train. The flowy ensemble featured floral embellishment until its beautiful Chantilly scalloped ends. Her cape-like dupatta, with floral embellishments and scallop borders, added to the princess vibe. Aqsa styled her half-clutched hair in curls. A decorative hair accessory sneak peeked through her tulle dupatta. Statement jewellery with a few gleaming rings complemented her heavy-duty pick.
Aqsa Afridi made bridal style truly sparkle.
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