Palak Tiwari is all set to make her much-awaited Bollywood debut with Kisi Ka Bhai Kisi Ki Jaan co-starring Salman Khan and Pooja Hegde. The budding star is currently busy with promotions and dropping some bookmark-worthy fashion statements. For her latest look, Palak kept things simple and chic. She styled a criss-cross halter neck top with cut-outs and edgy string detailing with denims. The top came with a checkered print in white, pastel pink and mint green hues. White stilettos, small golden hoops and a handful of bracelets added on to her uber-cool avatar. She picked muted and nude tones for glam along with ample mascara. Palak left her brown wavy tresses open.
Also Read: The Temperature Is Only Rising Further With Palak Tiwari In A Red Check Crop Top And Mini Skirt
Co-ord sets are topping the summer style chart, effortlessly. And, we have approval from Palak Tiwari as well. Days ago, she opted for a chic co-ord set from the shelves of clothing label AEAE. She teamed a houndstooth sleeveless crop top with a mini skirt, with a sleek side slit. Her statement glossy makeup and open tresses complemented the look.
A slinky silver gown is all Palak Tiwari needed to set the temperature soaring. The spaghetti strap number hugged Palak in the right places, accentuating her toned figure. She broke what otherwise was a monochrome look with her black footwear. She tied her tresses in a classy bun and added a stylish pair of sunglasses.
Looks like hopping onto the hottest fashion trends of the year is a walk in the park for Palak Tiwari. After co-ord sets, she stunned in a shimmery corset top, surpassing her own record of picking the chicest corsets. She paired it with matching silver footwear and balanced out the bling with white straight-fit pants.
Also Read: Cheery Festive Style Looks A Lot Like Palak Tiwari's Vibrant Lehenga
Even in the most basic silhouettes, Palak Tiwari can make a striking statement. Her slinky brown body-hugging dress was one fine example of the same. Her choice of nude makeup and open tresses suited the look.
Palak Tiwari is a bonafide fashionista. And, we cannot have enough of her classy and chic fashion outings.
CommentsAlso Read: Palak Tiwari Fabulously Lights Up Our Day In Her Festive Lehenga