The Diwali fashion parade in Bollywood has given us some major festive wear ideas. From ethnic ensembles to traditional looks with a chic spin — their fashion wardrobe is overflowing with stunning outfits. The latest on the list is Palak Tiwari. Despite being new in the fashion arena surely knows how to make some heads turn. For her Diwali OOTD, she draped herself in a sheer orange saree from Anshika Tak's label. The crisply-pleated six yards of wonder came with fancy ruffled detailing at the base. But it was the plunging neckline blouse, adorned with beads, tassels, and golden borders that was the main highlight of her traditional avatar. A two-layered diamond choker necklace, stone-studded jhumkas, and glittery bangles sealed the look of elegance for Palak. As for makeup, Palak kept it minimal with nude lips, blush-tinted cheeks, a kohl-winged eyeliner fusion, and fluttery lashes. Her wavy brunette tresses were left open.
Also Read: Palak Tiwari Served Showstopper Energy In An Embellished Gown For Neeta Lulla's Show
Simple yet elegant is what Palak Tiwari's fashion statements try to convey. On another occasion, the actress picked out a green saree from the shelves of fashion label Chhapa. The pink floral embroidery and borders on a pastel green base made her look as fresh as the spring season. Weaving a tale of timeless beauty, Palak styled her attire with a pink and white printed blouse. She sported rosy-dewy makeup, comprising blush cheeks, nude lip shade, and a hint of kohl accompanying her mascara-coated eyelashes. Silver-oxidized jhumkas complemented her saree look well. Her wavy hair cascaded down her shoulders.
Also Read: Palak Tiwari's Sparkling Saree With A Bralette Blouse Gave Ethnic Dressing A Modern Touch
Palak Tiwari's glamorous saree collections are worth admiring. Turning muse to designer Nitika Gujral, the diva painted a picture of royalty in a shimmery, silver-sequinned black saree. The exquisitely embroidered borders glistened like shiny stars, while the black colour simply reminded us of the dark night sky. Palak teamed up her six-yard staple with an equally gorgeous, scalloped-neck blouse. Ditching any neckpiece, she only wore a pair of silver jhumkas. Glossy nude lipstick, some blush, and dramatic lashes with a hint of shimmery eyeshadow served the perfect Diwali bash look.
Palak Tiwari has definitely arrested our attention with her saree-torial choices.
CommentsAlso Read: Palak Tiwari Gives A Modern Twist To Ethnic Dressing With A Corset Blouse And A Pre-Drape Saree