Palak Tiwari was last seen in Kisi ka Bhai Kisi Ki Jaan along with Salman Khan. The actress was in the talk before she made her Bollywood debut for her phenomenal dance moves, wardrobe experiments, and beauty looks. Her ethnic fashion is something that deserves the praise of its own. She recently graced the internet in a shimmery black saree that showcased silver borders and details. Palak teamed the saree with a strappy blouse in the same colour and pattern, looking absolutely elegant and poised. The blouse too had silver threadwork at the neckline. Accessorising the look with a pair of dangling earrings, she kept her makeup minimal. Loose tresses, nude lip tint, a dash of kohl, and a lot of charisma completed Palak's look.
Also Read: Palak Tiwari's Embellished Grey Lehenga Glitters Away For Summertime Celebrations
Palak Tiwari's flowy red saree was ravishing in every way. Her plain red saree with a sparkly red halterneck strappy blouse perfectly balanced traditional and modern. She opted for no accessories and did her outfit do all the talking. Leaving her hair loose, Palak opted for her signature makeup and kept it minimally chic.
Also Read: Palak Tiwari's Very Edgy Black Co-Ord Set Is Why We Love Her Y2K Style
Do you remember Palak Tiwari's all-beige saree from a few months ago? Her gorgeous beige saree brought her ethnic side to the forefront in the best way. She teamed the drape with a stunning full-sleeved blouse which featured a sweetheart neckline and embellishments. Minimal makeup with metallic lip colour, shimmery eyelids, and a dash of kohl in the eyes completed Palak's ethnic look.
Palak Tiwari's choice of sarees is as gorgeous as the Western outfits she chooses.
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