Bollywood actress Parineeti Chopra is currently busy in the shooting of her debut as a judge in the new television show, Hunarbaaz: Desh Ki Shaan, and has been pretty active in sharing her amazing outfits straight from the set, giving us all a treat for the eyes. You can never go wrong in black. And Parineeti Chopra proves it right in her recent photoshoot where she can be seen sporting a crop top and skirt. The all black outfit featured a full sleeved top and a long skirt with golden floral design printed all over it. For the accessories, the actress went minimal with just a copper choker. Similarly, the diva looked gorgeous in a dewy makeup with the trendy glossy lips and bold winged eyeliner. Complementing it perfectly, Parineeti Chopra went with middle parted straight, fuss-free hair. This simple yet elegant outfit makes the perfect fit for any occasion, isn't it?
Another one of Parineeti Chopra's recently shared outfit in a six yard attire, makes the actress look like she came straight out from a retro movie. Looking absolutely gorgeous, the actress aced an elegant pleated blush pink saree, along with a full sleeved blouse. Keeping it equally classy, the diva completed her look with soft curls and golden neck piece and earrings. For the face, Parineeti Chopra kept it complementary with her dress in pink, rocking a pink tone lipshade and her favourite, winged eyeliner. The soft look makes the actress look absolutely ravishing.
Before that, Parineeti Chopra went ethnic as she shared herself in an amazing sharara. Straight from the shelves of Ritika Mirchandani, the outfit featured a short kurti adorned with a waist belt, along with matching sharara pants, dazzled with sequins. For the accessories, the actress styled a choker set and ring. Who knew ethnic could look so stylish? Kuddos to the actress for making it true for us.
Parineeti Chopra has been a rising actress ever since she came to Bollywood. But what strikes us the most is her fashion choices which have been going up the ladder through her years in the Hindi film industry. And all we can do is wait for more of her dresses from her new show.