Priyanka Chopra's winter fashion is top-notch. We have seen many overcoats, boots, and sweater dresses on various occasions. The diva gives the perfect winter dressing inspiration when she is out and about. She is currently embracing the English winter in the city of London and was dressed in Michael Kors, from head to toe. She stuck to a rich and creamy nude tone for a knitted sweater dress, an oversized overcoat, and pointed thigh-high-heeled boots. She was all glammed-up with a dewy glow, generous layers of mascara, kohl-laden eyes, and nude lip gloss.
Also Read: Priyanka Chopra Turns Up The Va-Va-Voom In A 'Viva Magenta' Gown
Priyanka Chopra never leaves a chance to make stylish closet choices. Her winter fashion is already bookmarked by many. Recently the diva shared a mirror selfie with her husband Nick Jonas and gave the perfect winter dressing inspiration for casual nights out. While Priyanka wore a black pullover on black and grey slacks with a white beanie, Nick looked ultra cool in a black t-shirt, and black denim jeans with a leather jacket and cap.
Also Read: Priyanka Chopra Brought Sunshine To The Red Carpet In A Yellow Silk Gown
Priyanka Chopra's holiday fashion is just as stunning as her winter wear. The actress was seen in a sunshine yellow swimsuit while on holiday. The strappy monokini featured a sweetheart neckline and looked uber chic as the diva teamed it with a pair of trendy sunglasses. On the same vacation in Dubai, the actress was seen having a relaxed time, full of clear waters, sunny skies, and stylish adventures.
Priyanka Chopra can layer up anything with skills on she possesses.
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