Priyanka Chopra celebrated her birthday over the weekend but it seems like the joyous mood is still in the air. With birthday tributes and bouquets of flowers pouring in from around the globe, the star took to Instagram to thank her loved ones and well-wishers. She may be extending her thanks for the wishes but we're thanking her for the sensational swimwear inspiration. The birthday photo dump sees Priyanka strike a pose in a red swimsuit with a scalloped neckline. A white shirt, hoop earrings and retro-esque white sunglasses added to its vintage charm. Besides the blissful pool in her backdrop are larger-than-life wishes for the birthday girl. How adorable! More photos from the birthday series included a cake with tiny figurines of her dogs, a bottle of champagne and a look at what seemed to be her pool party.
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(Also Read: Just Priyanka Chopra Making Neutral Tones Look Glam In A Top-To-Toe Muted Look)
On her birthday, Priyanka gave us a glimpse at how she brought in the celebrations. Of course, it looked better than the way any of us celebrate our birthdays. Soaking up the sunshine on her deck, Priyanka's black swimsuit featured cut-outs at the shoulders and the waist. A silver circular neck chain was all she needed to add pizzazz and nothing more.
To add to the celebrations, Priyanka also celebrated the anniversary of her proposal by Nick Jonas with a photo of their hands interlinked and her shimmering rock on her finger. 3 years ago, Nick shut down a Tiffany's store to pick out the engagement ring and asked Priyanka to marry him in Greece.
(Also Read: When Priyanka Chopra Absolutely Owned Every Red Carpet Like A Pro Fashionista)
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