Lakshmi Rai, professionally known as Raai Laxmi, steams it up every time she posts her photos on Instagram. The beauty queen and actress, who has featured in many notable South Indian and Bollywood movies, has set us on fire with a sizzling photo of herself from her recent vacation. The photo shows her standing in her black bikini top and brushing back her hair while water pours on her like molten diamonds. We can see beige walls behind her and green sun kissed leaves farther off but the beauty has stolen our eyes. Raai captioned her photo saying, "There is calm in the wild" and we know what a supple charm she is portraying amidst the jungle. The black halter neck bikini top heightens the glamour of her wet black hair that is thrown behind her. While she stands under the shower, we can't help wondering about the tantalising appeal of a no-makeup and no-jewellery look on Raai. The effect is that of serenity and freshness that can be matched only by nature itself.
Earlier, Raai had posted many pictures in a black beach dress. She had kept her makeup minimal: thin stroke of eyeliner, mascara, pink touch on her lips and some natural blush. She let her hair playfully untied. Her hazel eye lens added oomph to the photos.
She was also seen wearing the beach dress at the seashore. This time, she paired her attire with oversized glasses with a black and gold rim to give her a quirky appearance.
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Raai has been sharing many of her beachwear looks on Instagram and we are blown away by the styles she is pulling off so well. Here, she wore a turquoise bralette top and tied a white breezy floral scarf at her waist that draped her legs like a beach skirt. She completed the look with oversized sunglasses with a bold turquoise rim and a golden pendant in the shape of "R". The water below her, the hills behind and the skies above all seem to be complementing her shades of blue and white.
For Raai, it's not always colours that heighten her beauty. She can enchant us in her monochromes and when she wore her one-piece swimsuit, she proved just that. This swimsuit with black stripes on white gave her a simple yet playful look, especially with red glasses. She was sporting a ponytail to up the perky side.
Recently, she hit the headlines with her fluorescent green one-piece suit, too.
Raai has shown us the way to revamp our swimwear collection. Let us know about your picks.
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