Bold and beautiful: that is how we describe Radhika Apte's impeccable fashion choices. The actress, who is currently busy with the promotions of her upcoming OTT project Mrs Undercover, has been dropping fashion cues every day. Her latest outing? From the clothing brand Jenn, Radhika picked an off-shoulder deep-neck crop top and paired it with high-waisted, pleated formal pants in dusky red colour. Beige platform heels and a silver chain around her neck brought a neutral touch to the ensemble. Radhika, for the glam, went for sleek eye makeup, and glowy skin with blushed cheeks. The bold red lips perfectly complemented her fit. To finish off, she styled her short tresses in soft waves.
Also Read: We'd Go "Undercover" To Steal Radhika Apte's Dark Green Outfit If We Could
In the previous chapter from her promotion diaries, Radhika Apte looked stunning in a green co-ord set. The top featured an edgy cut-out around the bust and wide straps, which kept the off-shoulder neckline intact. She styled it with a pair of high-waist bottle green pants. White stilettos broke the continuity of the look. For accessories, she sided with classic hoops and opted for a dusky-tone makeup with glossy lips.
We would trade our entire wardrobe just to get our hands on Radhika Apte's co-ord sets. This dark blue number of wide-legged pants and a t-shirt-style crop top looked uber cool. Thin pink straps running across the outfit broke the monochrome magic with utmost style. She pulled back her tresses in a bun and stayed true to her dusky-tone glam.
Radhika Apte's impressive taste in fashion has always wowed us. Take her stunning dark green pantsuit set for example. Giving a glamorous spin to the regular blazer and matching pants, she added a see-through black glittery top underneath. Black pointed bellies and bold plum lip shade worked as the last pieces of the jigsaw puzzle.
Also Read: Radhika Apte Is All About That 'Suit' Life And She Sure Means Business
When boss babe fashion meets Radhika Apte, boring fashion choices leave the room. Oh, we have proof to back our statement. How stunning does Radhika look in this handwoven colour black check blazer with pants? It showcased designs in various shades. The actress means some business with nude makeup and tresses pulled back nicely.
We cannot wait to see what unfolds next in Radhika Apte's promotional fashion diaries.
CommentsAlso Read: Looking Peppy In A Pretty Pink Midi Dress Is Radhika Apte