Like the rest of Bollywood, Rakul Preet Singh has taken off from Mumbai to bring in the year end in foreign locales. While Kareena Kapoor is in in Switzerland, Sara Ali Khan is in London and Mouni Roy is in Dubai, Rakul Preet is holidaying in Thailand. The actress posted from her Phuket holiday with all the good energy to bring in the New Year that came with holiday style to boot. In the photos, Rakul is posing wearing a bright blue sleeveless bralette with a high waist pair of light blue denim shorts with frayed ends. With a pair of Melissa sliders on her feet, she added in a metallic bag pack. Rakul's makeup look was fresh-faced while her hair was pulled up in a knot. She captioned it "smiling towards 2023..bring it on" and with that spirit, we're sure she's going to have a fabulous 2023!
(Also Read: To End 2022 In Style, Mouni Roy Sports A Chic Black Swimsuit On A Sunny Day At The Beach)
Back when Rakul holidayed in Maldives in autumn, she posted a photo of herself from her day by the sea. Wearing a beige cutout swimsuit with a printed cape thrown over, she finished off with round sunglasses and blue earrings.
It's obvious that Rakul is a "water baby for life" and when she dips into the water, it's always in style. Here she picked a printed swimsuit with a deep neckline until the waist. With a high bun in her hair, she added in layered necklaces and a bright smile on her face. Who wouldn't be on a blissful pool day in Maldives!
(Also Read: "Relax And Reflect" In Maldives The Rakul Preet Singh Way In A Maroon Swimsuit)