Nothing looks as festive as a bright red lehenga and if you find the perfect one, never let go of it. Rashmika Mandanna understood the assignment and with full gusto makes her ramp debut for designer Varun Bahl at the FDCI India Couture Week 2022. Fashion's biggest names come forth to showcase their best in festive dressing for the glitziest time of the year and Rashmika Mandanna in her stunning red lehenga is the face of those very festivities. Her floral red lehenga is perfect for the bride who is traditional at heart but truly loves to keep chic and sassy in spirit. Her red lehenga set has matching embroidering with drop tassels along the hem of the blouse. Dupatta or no dupatta, we love it either way. The heavily embellished floral designs are fresh yet traditional at the same time which makes it perfect to channel spring days all through the year. Rashmika Mandanna may just be the style chameleon we better keep our eyes on because who knows what she'll do next.
Also Read: Rashmika Mandanna Blooms With The Grace Of A Bouquet Of Beautiful Red Roses
Lehengas are a festive fashion must-have and to nobody's surprise, Rashmika Mandanna has more than enough to her name. Minimal chic lehengas especially are a forte for this ethnic fashionista who can make even a chic white and silver lehenga shine with the light of a million stars.
The same goes for her chic yellow lehengas too. Rashmika Mandanna looks effortlessly graceful in everything she wears but especially in a yellow lehenga with her gracious glow. We're sure even you wouldn't stop yourself from twirling in one.
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Rashmika Mandanna convinces us yet again that style should be an extension of your personality only this time with her floral festive lehenga.
CommentsAlso Read: Rashmika Mandanna's Embellished Lehenga Fits The Summer Wedding Dress Code Perfectly