It was truly a global gala over the weekend as stars from around the globe brought their best fashion to the launch of the Nita Mukesh Ambani Cultural Centre in Mumbai. The celebration got only bigger and better as we witnessed an array of celebrities turning up to the event. We are sure you might have witnessed it too but we can't help mentioning it again. After creating the iconic Naatu Naatu step with Alia Bhatt, Rashmika Mandanna also made heads turn with her jaw-dropping style. Sparkling like a million bucks, Rashmika ditched the silver and instead opted for a classic black and gold masterpiece, mindfully curated by designer duo Falguni Shane Peacock. When it comes to their signature style, minimalism is nowhere to be seen and yet again, they stood true to their style as they took on a whole new dimension for this custom piece of art created for the actress. Rashmika's couture gown was a bedazzling piece which was one-of-its-kind as it came with the most subtle structured fit, complemented with a corset style. The intricate embellished work featured precious Indian jewels made of polki diamonds and real gold. Motifs like the lotus, mango, parrots, jhumkis, flowers, moon and strings of polki necklaces are sown onto Rashmika's couture gown as an ode to Indian couture at its modern best. What also added to her attire was her clean makeup look and quirky jewellery that consisted of a striking pair of earrings.
Also Read: Rashmika Mandanna Asks If Her Black And Silver Panelled Column Gown "Was Ok". Here's What We Think
Rashmika Mandanna's sense of fashion is quite opposite when it comes to conventional standards. Experimental silhouettes, eclectic colours and more, all of it fit right into her wardrobe. With the right amount of shimmer and sparkle, Rashmika's black and silver panelled bodycon maxi dress from London-based designer David Koma is made for beautiful evening soirees. The strapless number came with a crystal embroidered panelled pattern and the flattering bodycon fit added to the overall look.
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