Raveena Tandon is a Bollywood actress who has always tried to keep her Instagram fans updated with all the fashion choices the diva makes. After giving excellent movies in the Bollywood industry, the actress is back again on the OTT platform this time with her thriller series Aranyak. The celebrity recently shared a post in a black outfit featuring a long anarkali-style kurta and loose pants. And just like all her other outfits, Raveena Tandon added the perfect amount of bling and colour to it. Captioning the post as "Most of the days I wear my #desipride," Raveena Tandon clearly showcased her love for traditional outfits. Straight from the shelves of Karishma Khanduja, the outfit was adorned with embroidery work along the neckline and mirror detailing too. The oxidised kadhas and jhumka earrings added the extra dazzle to the outfit. Completing her look with a messy juda adorned with a red rose at the back, Raveena Tandon looked absolutely beautiful.
Raveena Tandon's ethnic outfits are the best in B-town. The yellow saree worn by her recently took us back to the good old days when we saw the diva rocking her famous Tip Tip Barsa Paani song. Raveena Tandon continues to steal all the attention even today, especially in gorgeous sarees. Giving her six yard attire a modern spin, the celebrity draped a saree over a pair of palazzos, a high neck crop top with bell sleeves and a matching printed waist belt.
Another one of Raveena Tandon's three piece sets includes her red outfit. Making her look stunning as ever, Surina Kakkar styled her with a sharara, cropped blouse and full length shrug. And just like the first one, the bling is not missing here too. While the sharara and shrug are printed with white and yellow details, the blouse is embroidered with elaborate detailing.
Even after being in the Bollywood industry for so long, Raveena Tandon still continues to amaze us in one form or another. Whether it is through her acting skills, or her fashion choices, we love to see the diva rocking as usual.