When Samantha Ruth Prabhu weaves fashion with elegance, it's hard to take our eyes off her. Recently, the Shaakuntalam actress turned muse to Italian luxury brand Gucci. She wore a white lacquered jacket and skirt set. The embroidery on the outfit, coupled with padded shoulders and full sleeves made her ready for a boardroom meeting. But adding an extra dose of glamour to her OOTD was Samantha's sparkling diamond-studded watch. The diva picked a fine piece from her Bulgari Serpenti Spiga. Brilliant cut diamonds adorned around the silver opaline dial and the spiral bracelet-style band of the popular watch are the reasons why a white outfit was the perfect fit for it to shine brighter. Topped with bronzed makeup and a wet grunge look, Samantha Ruth Prabhu completed this look.
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The Serpenti Spiga watch is a favourite for Samantha Ruth Prabhu as she was seen wearing it on two other occasions. For an event, it was a bold black outfit to make it on stage but the glitterati of the watch made sure she shined the brightest.
Samantha Ruth Prabhu also wore the dainty Serpenti watch to a Prime Video event. The accessory amped up her halter-neck gunmetal feather top, featuring a front cutout and black flared pants.
Also Read: Samantha Ruth Prabhu's Fabulous Style Took Flight In A Gunmetal Feather Top With Black Trousers
Well, Samantha Ruth Prabhu is not alone in her love for the timeless jewellery piece. Sindhis love their diamonds or so we are told repeatedly by the likes of Karan Johar, Ranveer Singh and Kiara Advani. So when Kiara Advani was to make an appearance on Koffee With Karan, it was not just her black corset dress that stole the show but the diamond-encrusted silver Serpenti Spiga watch along with it.
Bulgari's watches are masterfully created for those who love living the good life, and in style.
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