Sometimes she radiates sunshine in golden ensembles. Then she channels her inner Barbie in pink outfits. She is Sanya Malhotra. Turning muse to fashion designer Manish Malhotra, she embraced Diwali festive fever like a queen. At the designer's Diwali bash, Sanya gave the Barbicore trend a desi spin in a bright pink, sequinned saree. The two-toned pink shade on the six-yard staple added a welcome twist to the desi Barbiecore look. She teamed up her glamorous OOTD with a wide and straight neckline blouse, featuring dramatic cut-out sleeves, embellished with glitters, sequins, and floral crystals. Green-emerald dew-drop and gold-plated choker necklace served to be a contrast to her all-pink avatar. The matching stud earring complimented her ethnic style perfectly. For makeup, Sanya added some blush to her dewy-base face. Matte pink lipstick, fluttery eyes, and winged eyeliner were the extra oomph factor. A sleek and neatly-secured bun gave the finishing touches to her fresh-pink look.
Also Read: Sanya Malhotra's Electrifying Blue Midi Dress Is Perfect To Kickstart The Weekend
Recently, Sanya Malhotra showcased a serene, elegant look draped in an elegant ivory saree. A green and floral printed blouse, featuring a plunging-sweetheart neckline, reinforced the vintage allure of the traditional ensemble. Her contoured makeup suited the aesthetics and Sanya elevated her tranquil appeal with a messy curly bun and gold-plated turquoise dew-drop earrings. Her power to bring back the old-world charm vibes is truly commendable.
While Sanya is a stunner in traditional outfits, she surely knows how to amp up the ethnic style game to match contemporary fashion statements. On another occasion, the diva picked out a leafy lime green saree, adorned with pink floral motifs all over. Giving the saree a chic twist, she chose to sport a sleeveless black blouse and a chunky silver boho-themed choker necklace accompanied by silver stud earrings. Blush-tinted cheeks, rosy lip colour, and the perfect winged eyeliner were just on fleek. A subtly messy bun and a small black bindi rounded off her ethnic avatar.
Sanya Malhotra always spreads her infectious energy, exuding confidence and positivity no matter what she wears, captivating us with her wardrobe collections.
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