Visiting Sanya Malhotra's social media timeline is like taking a walk on a fashion street. The actress' unapologetic style statement is always all things fun to witness. The actress' chic summer wardrobe enjoys a completely different fan following. But when she steps out in embellished pieces it hits differently. For the screening of her latest release Kathal, Sanya wore Anamika Khanna's fantastic creation. The couturier is well known for making amalgamations of traditional work on Western wear. But in collaboration with Sanya Malhotra, she gave a bridal touch to her pantsuit and it is sending fashionistas into a frenzy. The outfit featured a heavily embellished three-piece set. The actress wore an oversized asymmetrical embellished jacket atop matching flare pants and a cropped blouse. She styled her look with golden heels and a choker-style jewellery set, which added the Indo-western element to it all. Her final touches include a sleek bun and smokey eyes.
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Sanya Malhotra is party ready in her green sequin tube crop top. All the drama was added through her immense train, attached behind her top. The actress seemed to have toned down that shimmer through her black straight pants. Styling her hair in a middle-parted ponytail, gave Sanya that sleek effect. If you thought that top is too much dazzle? Then let us tell you Sanya carried a smokey glitter eye look. With it, she paired nude lips and shiny studs.
Sanya Malhotra in Shantanu and Nikhil's strapless gown surely dropped stardust elements to her heavy-duty closet. The body-fitted fully embellished corset bodice features a scalloped neckline and tie-up detailing on her midriff. She paired her ready carpet-carpet-worthy look with statement earrings and copper-tone glam. The actress tied her curls in a messy bun.
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Up for some ethnic wear? We are crushing hard on the way Sanya Malhotra paired her golden-embellished red lehenga with a plain white blouse and dupatta. This sartorial pick is absolutely perfect to slay any sangeet night. Kundan bangles and choker-style jewellery sealed it all for her. Giving it all a new twist, Sanya ditched her much-loved messy bun and carried a braided look.
It is not just her heavy-duty looks, Sanya Malhotra can leave a lasting impact, as she steps out in muted tones. The actress' beige strapless midi is honestly worthy of your admiration. It goes high on elegance. She paired her look with matching strappy heels.
Meanwhile, on the work front, Sanya Malhotra's latest movie Kathal premiered on Netflix on May 19.
CommentsAlso Read: Sanya Malhotra's Green Pantsuit Is A Fresh Summer Day's Delight