Whenever Sara Ali Khan decides to wear something ethnic, her sartorial picks show a classic blend of traditional and modern styles. The actress recently turned muse for designer Tarun Tahiliani and was seen wearing a multi-coloured lehenga from his 'Timelessness' collection. The designer posted a beautiful picture of Sara, where she is dazzling in raw silk lehenga that had a hand-painted chevron pattern and intricately crafted jamewar kasheeda borders. Sara teamed it with an off-shoulder blouse to amp up the style game. Sara opted for a zari chanderi dupatta. She accesorised the look with layered gold neckpieces, matching dangling earrings and gold bracelets. For makeup, Sara opted for mauve lips, subtle pink eye shadow, and styled her hair in soft waves.
Sara Ali Khan knows how to add the right pop of colours to a dull day. Take a look at her wearing this vibrant saree. It's not a regular traditional drape as it has quirky patterns all over. The saree had yellow and green hues, and we couldn't stop admiring her. She opted for matching pink and yellow bangles and dangling earrings for accessories. Her tiny blue bindi complemented the look.
(Also Read: Sara Ali Khan's Red Anita Dongre Lehenga Sets The Festive Bar Quite High)
Wondering how a monochrome red lehenga looks like? Take inspiration from Sara Ali Khan. She looked phenomenal in a red lehenga. A silver neckpiece and hoop earrings were all that she needed to add finesse to the look. With subtle makeup, Sara preferred tying her hair in a ponytail.
You have to agree that Sara Ali Khan has amazing taste when it comes to lehengas. See this and you won't deny it. She opted for a pink lehenga and looked ravishing as ever. She completely ditched accessories and allowed her outfit to do all the talking. Sara tied her tresses in a low ponytail with some strands framing her face.
How can we forget Sara all decked up in this maroon lehenga! With it, she wore a matching blouse with a plunging neckline. For accessories, Sara opted for a heavy necklace with maroon and pistachio green gemstones. Don't forget her earrings and maang tika!
Once, Sara Ali Khan wore a navy blue anarkali and had us swooning. Her ensemble had intricate golden work. She styled her full-sleeved ensemble with a matching dupatta.
We can't wait to see Sara Ali Khan donning more ethnic numbers, and giving us major fashion goals from time to time
Comments(Also Read: Sara Ali Khan In A Glorious Orange Sharara Screams Festive Days)