Shanaya Kapoor was among the many celebrities who attended Ananya Panday's cousin Alanna Panday's wedding ceremony. For the event, Shanaya carried an extra dose of bling in her six yards of grace, and we aren't complaining. In an icy blue sequin drape, she was definitely the most stylish guest on the block. No point in guessing who was the designer. Obviously, it was Bollywood's all-time favourite Manish Malhotra. Shanaya teamed the glitzy number with a light blue halter neck blouse. She added a pair of diamond studs to complement the shine of the ensemble. Leaving her silky smooth tresses open, Shanaya wore dewy glamorous skin with highlighted and blushed cheeks. Glitter on the eyes was paired with dark blue and black kohl. To round off her glam, Shanaya opted for glossy pink lips.
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Trust Shanaya Kapoor to take all the glam on the ramp as well. For the recently concluded Lakme Fashion Week, Shanaya turned muse for Arpita Mehta in yet another sequin creation. The gorgeous shimmery sequined saree was the epitome of glitz and glamour. It had a neatly-pleated bottom with sparkly details and a stylish pallu to follow. The tube-neck blouse gave a modern twist to the monochrome pick.
We are convinced that sequins are right up Shanaya Kapoor's alley. Making yet another jaw-dropping statement was Shanaya Kapoor in a beautiful blush pink sequin saree. The embellished borders of the drape, which was teamed with a square neckline blouse, gave a stylish edge to her desi girl look. Her glamorous makeup was textbook perfect.
Last year, for Kunal Rawal and Arpita Mehta's wedding bash, Shanaya picked a white saree and looked surreal. The ethnic number featured thin sparkling silver borders. Underneath, Shanaya added a stylish sequin embroidered halter-neck blouse. She took the minimalist route for accessories and adorned herself with a sleek maang tika. Her hair was styled in tousled waves. Not to miss the sequin handbag.
Shanaya Kapoor dazzled her way in a gorgeous green embroidered saree. Her green chiffon number came with embroidery work and a golden patti around the borders. A stunning strappy blouse adorned with crystal and sequin embellishments was the perfect pairing. She accentuated her traditional outing with dangler earrings and bangles. Her tresses were secured in a bun and decorated with white flowers.
Even before her Bollywood debut, Shanya Kapoor has already made quite a mark with her fashion choices.
CommentsAlso Read: Shanaya Kapoor's Festive Cheer Comes With A Side Of Sparkle With A Saree