Not very long ago the Kapoor sisters Khushi, Anshula and Shanaya were mysteriously spotted at the Mumbai airport and we've gone full Nancy Drew to know of their whereabouts. Khushi Kapoor's one Instagram post and we have finally solved the case. The sisters were dreaming big and living bigger in the Big Apple. As usual it could not have been a holiday of the girls if they were not dressed in their season's best. Even in their casual chic attires, the sisters ensured their personal style shone through fabulously. Whether it was Shanaya's classic blue jeans and a white shirt or Khushi Kapoor's take on athleisure, we're sure we'd never get over their sibling style come what may.
Also Read: It Has Been More Than A Minute But Shanaya Kapoor's Summer Style Is Just As Chic
Not just New York but when Shanaya and Khushi Kapoor jet set to even Bali, style tops their list of things. From New York to Bali, their colourful beach attire on display was reason enough for us to book our tickets and sail to a tropical destination tagging our bestie along.
Sisters can be mind-readers, right? Or at least Khushi and Shanaya Kapoor can read each other's for sure or how else would they show up in perfect sync in the same stylish outfit? Putting all sibling goals to the test, this one certainly is a top runner in the race of the most stylish sisters in Bollywood.
Also Read: Khushi Kapoor Has Us Fairytale Dreaming Of A Floral Dress For The Summer Too
Not too long ago, Khushi Kapoor was joined by Janhvi Kapoor too and they looked just as gorgeous as we'd imagine in their dinner-ready looks. Khushi Kapoor could be with any of her many siblings but it is safe to say that her style game is forever on point.
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