Sharvari Wagh bagged the award for Best Female Debut in 2021 for her role in Yash Raj Films' Bunty Aur Babli 2. For the award function, which was held in Dubai, the actress picked a gorgeous body-hugging silhouette. The strappy outfit, from the shelves of Rafik Zaki designs, came with a V neckline, colourful hand-made glitzy embroidery up to the waist, and a risque thigh-high slit. Sharvari wore a pair of golden strappy heels and jewel-studded small hoops. She tied her locks neatly in a bun and opted for shimmery eyelids, highlighted cheeks, winged eyeliner, and a nude pink lip. Along with her fashion, we are big fans of her caption game. Sharing these gorgeous pictures on Instagram, she wrote, “All about last night. Du-bye! Until next time.”
Also Read: All Sides Are Good Sides When Sharvari Wagh's Black Dress Come With Cutouts All Over
Sharvari Wagh has always made a strong case for dramatic fits. She set the fashion bar high with this stunning black number. Sharvari's outfit was edgy, and it featured sleek straps and a square neckline. It had perfect cutout style detailing on each side, which further amped up the oomph factor. She accessorised the look with statement gold-toned bracelets and stud earrings.
We all agree that Sharvari Wagh is a pro-fashionista. Decked up in a blue sequin gown, the actress is making heads turn. She teamed up the glitzy glamorous look with a similar jacket, a sleek bun and dewy glam. Her choice of accessories were a statement bracelet and silver heels.
In a chic fit, Sharvari Wagh is on her way to achieve “grapeness.” The actress paired a dramatic off-shoulder purple top with a pair of black shorts. Her glam game, featuring purple eyelids, pink lips, and blushed cheeks, went perfectly with the ensemble. She styled her tresses in waves, which complemented her overall style. A pair of blingy heels brought the look together.
Here are some more jaw-dropping pictures of Sharvari Wagh in yet another stylish attire. The actress confessed that she has got that “wintage vibe” and we totally agree. She slipped into an all-white ensemble, which consisted of a cut-out corset top and a chic mini-skirt. She teamed it up with an oversized blazer. And it was that bold red lip which accentuated her sassy appearance.
Sharvari Wagh is a stunner at heart, and her Instagram timeline is proof.
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