Shehnaaz Gill and her fashion choices have always stunned us in an impeccable way. Be it her photoshoot session or her casual day outs, her sartorial choice has always been on point with a personal touch to it. And this time the actress is all glammed up with elegance as she strikes a pose in a beautiful silver salwar suit at Baba and Zeeshan Siddique's Iftar party. The actress was seen adorning an embellished and embroidered kurta paired with a monochrome salwar and dupatta. She kept it simple with just statement silver earrings and silver heels. Her glam makeup and open tresses perfectly added to the festive look!
In a beautiful powder pink sequin saree, actress Shehnaaz Gill looks absolutely ethereal. She paired the pretty saree with a sleeveless blouse and a sleek necklace which added an elegant factor to the look. She looked absolutely gorgeous with her choice of minimal glam and poker straight tresses.
Shehnaaz Gill and her fashion affair with ethnic wear is since forever. In a beautiful yellow lehenga, the actress is making a stellar case for summer fashion. She paired the lehenga skirt with a full sleeves mirror work blouse and a contrasting dupatta which added that vibrant and colourpop factor to the look.
Donning pastels like a diva, actress Shehnaaz Gill was seen donning a beautiful pastel suit set which featured a pastel peach kurta with embroidered pattern, paired with a pastel blue bottom. She accentuated the look with a stunning sheer dupatta which added a romantic flare to the ensemble.