Style is a very personal aspect and Shilpa Shetty adds her personal style to every outfit she wears. Always experimenting with her wardrobe choices and embracing the trend whole-heartedly, the actor never lets her fans down. Recently the actor has been busy promoting her latest movie Nikamma. On one such promotional event, Shilpa opted for a striking fusion wear outfit in pink fuchsia. The readymade drape in fuchsia had contrast white prints all over. The actor adorned the look with a white waist belt with delicate embroidery and embellishments. Shilpa teamed the drape with a cape sleeved blouse with white string detailings at the sleeves. The actor picked traditional earrings, a stack of bangles and strappy fuchsia pointed heels to complement the attire.
Also Read: Shilpa Shetty Makes Summer Days Fun And Brighter With Colourpop
Not too long ago, Shilpa Shetty gave us major summer fashion goals in a colourpop skirt. The actor was spotted in the city in a multi-coloured skirt in shades of bright summer colours and abstract prints with pleat detail and a dramatic side slit. Shilpa Shetty paired the midi skirt with a sleeveless yellow crop top. For accessories the actor opted for a stack of metal bangles, hoop earrings and bright red pointed heels. Shilpa looked ready for the sunny summer as she wore minimal nude makeup, soft kohl and left her hair loose in beachy waves.
Also Read: Shilpa Shetty Gives Us Ultimate Summer Vibes In A Colourpop Ensemble
Yet another time, Shilpa Shetty opted for a multi-coloured ensemble during the promotions of Nikamma. The actor paired a shiny royal blue drape with a red corset blouse. To add more colour to the outfit, Shilpa teamed it with a full-sleeved sunshine yellow jacket. Shilpa picked a stack of metal bangles, golden hoop earrings and nude heels, as accessories. Leaving her mane loose, the actor wore nude makeup with ample mascara, kohl-laden eyes and nude lip tint.
Who else is loving Shilpa's summer wardrobe?
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