Shriya Saran's style statement is like a Diwali firework. Believe it or not, it creates a perfect mood board for a glamorous festive outing. Trust the actress to give a masterclass in all things glam. Recently, Shriya shared a couple of pictures from her recent photoshoot on Instagram and indeed, she had all our attention. From the shelves of David Koma, she picked up an emerald green number. From the one-shoulder style to the oomph-oozing cutout, her look was styled to perfection. The velvet finish was adorned with sequin work. The cut-out detailing and thigh-high slit added the risque element through and through. The sequin strap on her shoulder extended backwards to form a train and she picked gleaming silver hoops to keep up the fashion quo. The middle-parted sleek ponytail added to the sophisticated style and her smokey eyes and nude lips made her red carpet ready.
Also Read: Shriya Saran's Checkered Embellished Manish Malhotra Gown Is When Geometry Stylishly Meets Poetry
Shriya Saran in fiery red is a match made in fashion heaven. Previously, the actress picked this embellished gown that exuded sheer elegance. The figure-hugging bodice featured a daring cutout detail at the neckline and the plunging neck notched up the oomph element. Well, the thigh-high slit was not enough so a graceful train ensured that fashion headlines followed in her wake. Shriya picked exquisite diamond earrings, rings, and a bracelet to seal her look.
Gone are those days when denim was strictly casual. When it's about Shriya Saran's wardrobe choices, denim also makes an appearance on the red carpet. She picked a strapless denim gown crafted by the designer duo, Falguni and Shane. This strapless number came with its daring cutouts along the midriff and zippers. The gown's corset bodice flew down to form a flowy helm and the latex detailing added an extra dose of drama to Shriya's already striking look.
Also Read: IIFA 2023: Shriya Saran Is Cut Out To Perfection In A Silver Gown
Shriya Saran and her fashion choices are indeed statement-worthy.