It's time to focus on Shweta Tripathi Sharma's sartorial choices. The actress' glam is top-notch. She has the power to hold attention even in a simple saree. Well, we would like you to focus on her latest outing. Shweta gave a uber-chic makeover to the usual brocade fashion. She made a party number out of the repurposed Benarasi Silk fabric that was sourced from Shriya Singhi. The red piece featured statement brocade prints in a golden hue. The neckline has a deep U-cut followed by a fitted silhouette. The dramatic slit made the number scream old. The giant bow attached to the back was attention-worthy. Her soft curls added a retro touch. From her accessories collection, Shweta picked a pair of diamond earrings. The all-time favourite cat eyeliner and rosy cheeks completed the dress.
Shweta Tripathi Sharma's vibrant saree from the shelves of Suta, ticked all the boxes. The saree featured vibrant floral prints. The balloon sleeve blouse added drama to the outing. Shweta opted for a glowing makeup to suit her outing. Her poker-style hairdo sealed the look.
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Shweta Tripathi doesn't need a reason to dress up and her out-of-the-box floral saree is proof. The saree offered the perfect blend of floral prints and chequered fabric. The black bralette-style blouse has a plunging neckline. The strap details at the back added oomph to the outing. We would give full marks to Shweta for her choice of an oxidised jewellery. Makeup? A tiny black bindi, rosy eye makeup and glossy lips. Soft waves highlighted her jawline.
Shweta Tripathi Sharma's red traditional salwar kameez from the shelves of Heena Kochhar has the power to make head turns at a party. The kurta has intricate hand-embroidered and tilla work. The organza dupatta with golden floral boti came with a Kiran border.
Shweta Tripathi Sharma's look book is class apart. Don't you agree?
Comments(Also Read: Shweta Tripathi's Kitschy "Gulabi" Look Is Setting The Bar High For Ghagra Lovers)