At a grand event in Mumbai recently, Jio Studios celebrated its anniversary and unveiled its upcoming slate in India featuring over 100 movies and web series. The list also includes Lara Dutta's Ishq- E- Nadaan. The actress attended the event and looked super gorgeous in a pastel sharara set, which she styled herself in from her own closet. Lara Dutta's peach number came with mirror work, leaf-life white thread work, and pearl detailing running across the borders. She added a hint of glam to the ethnic look by styling her tresses in voluminous curls and opted for a subtle coral hue makeup. Lara also carried a silver embellished clutch along.
Before this, Lara Dutta looked stunning in a metallic turquoise pleated saree with embroidery and foil detail. From the shelves of designer Kiran Uttam Ghosh, the drape was a show stealer. Underneath, she added a half-sleeve closed neckline golden blouse, which perfectly complemented the embroidery of the saree.
(Also Read: Lara Dutta Has Still Got It In A Neon Crochet Swimsuit And Sarong)
Even in her casuals, Lara Dutta has the ability to turn heads. Taking the classic route, she styled her white satin shirt with dark blue ripped denims. Her silky-smooth tresses rested well on one side. Lara Dutta's glam picks were glowy skin with coral blush, soft-kohl eyes, and glossy pink lips.
Take some summer fashion tips from Lara Dutta. The former Miss Universe set the internet on fire in her halter neck yellow crochet bikini. She styled her OOTD with a sarong, tied to her waist. Hoop earrings, a cool summer hat, and minimal makeup were other accompaniments.
Lara Dutta can make any outfit look good. Here, she shared a picture of herself dressed in a white and green printed dress. Her chic outfit had all stylish elements: slits, tie-knot detailing at the sleeves and a statement belt. She rounded off her look with uber-cool sunglasses and a sun hat.
Lara Dutta is one of those fashionistas who doesn't need an introduction in this all-glam world.
Comments(Also Read: Lara Dutta Replaces Her Lockdown Mane With A Chic Short Hairstyle)