The OG fashionista of Bollywood, Sonam Kapoor has always hit the mark of making stunning wardrobe choices. Whatever the occasion may be, the actress keeps it chic, elegant and fashionable. From gorgeous red carpet moments to elegant festive choices, Sonam knows how to win hearts with her style. This time, the actress took the retro route as she draped her mother's 35-year-old gharchola saree. Gharchola sarees are from Gujarat and are woven on cotton or silk in checkered patterns with silk and zari threads. Sonam's deep red coloured saree had woven patterns in green, and white with gold zari work in checks. She teamed it with a short-sleeved puff blouse in the same colour palette and combination. Sonam accessorised the look with traditional Kundan jewellery. She wore a statement choker necklace, a pair of earrings, a maang tikka and a pair of bangles. For makeup, the diva opted for kohl-laden smokey eyes, nude lip colour and a radiant glow.
Also Read: Sonam Kapoor's Vibrant Modern Sustainable Lehenga Is Actually Made From A 60 Year-Old Vintage Saree
Sonam Kapoor's ethnic wardrobe is enthralling, and we have enough proof. She recently wore a gorgeous printed anarkali from designer label Rohit Bahl for Makar Sankranti. The full-sleeved kurta in bright red came with vibrant floral prints in yellow, green and orange with a gorgeous flare. She teamed it with a matching dupatta in the same colour and print. She tied her tresses in a messy bun and adorned it with red roses. For accessories, she opted for jhumkaa earrings and juttis. Sonam's glam makeup included a bold red lip colour, neatly winged eyeliner and a well-contoured face.
Also Read: Sonam Kapoor's Covergirl Style Comes In All Shades Of Glam Chic, Pics Inside
Yet another time, we were mesmerised by Sonam Kapoor's ethnic wardrobe as she wore a stunning ivory and gold lehenga from the clothing brand Re-ceremonial. The three-piece outfit included a flared lehenga skirt in ivory with gold patti borders at the hemline, a short-sleeved blouse with a deep, V-neckline and zari work at the sleeves and a matching ivory dupatta. Tying her tresses in a sleek bun, Sonam wore nude makeup and accessorised the look with chandbaali earrings.
We are totally in awe of Sonam Kapoor's ethnic wardrobe.