Sonam Kapoor turned 38 this year on 9 June, 2023. It was a top-notch celebration for the diva as she celebrated her first birthday with her son Vayu. The actress is known to be the premier fashionista of Bollywood for a reason. Her impeccable sartorial choices for every occasion raise the glam bar higher. As she celebrated her day with close family and friends this time, many adorable pictures were clicked. She picked a hot red full-sleeved maxi gown from the clothing brand Costarellos. The maxi dress had a sheer panel at the neckline with ruffled sleeves and a relaxed fit. The diva picked a pair of dangling gold earrings and floral hair accessories as her only accessories. For makeup, she kept it minimally chic with a rosy cheek tint, a dash of kohl, and pink lip colour.
Also Read: Happy Birthday Sonam Kapoor: 6 Fashionable Times Sonam Kapoor Looked Every Bit A Boss Babe
For the coronation of King Charles III, Sonam Kapoor was seen wearing an ornately designed gown by designer Anamika Khanna. The floral off-shoulder gown was in an off-white gown with multiple floral prints in red, brown, and green on the base of off-white. The gown had a panel over the bustline with a beautiful flare to follow. A pair of studded earrings, minimal makeup, and open tresses complemented Sonam's classic attire flawlessly.
For the inauguration of Apple's first retail store in Mumbai, Sonam Kapoor picked a grey co-ord set from Junya Watanabe. The outfit consisted of an oversized blazer, a high waist straight-fit skirt, a short front slit, and a dark corset bustier beneath. Underneath, Sonam styled a dark green corset-style bustier. She opted for a handful of rings, and earrings as she complemented her muted look with a yellow Louis Vuitton bag.
Sonam Kapoor's birthday celebrations were as stylish as her usual public appearances.