One can easily spot Suhana Khan's sporty errands around town for her upcoming film. Suhana Khan's big Bollywood debut may be underway but this Bollywood youngling has already proved that she's already made her mark on the fashion front. How else would the comfiest sporty fits look sufficient enough to plan our next workout ahead? As she stepped out for one of her readings, Suhana was spotted in a sports bra layered under an oversized black shirt and grey gym shorts paired with her usual Gucci slides and a white Chanel tote. The oversized shirt comes with patchwork on the slouchy sleeves and goes to knot it in the front with seamless effort. We're totally digging her off-duty looks to the hilt and we can't wait to see more of it as the movie works progresses.
Also Read: Suhana Khan's Blush Pink Tights And Crop Top Is Seriously Cool For Summer
Luckily for us, we've seen more of Suhana Khan lately and every time we see her, she looks at ease with her super chic sporty casuals. Her love for solid colours isn't for brunch dates alone but even when she's keeping it low key in the city especially when pastels are in the picture. Her beige tights worn with her cropped white ribbed top are just one of the cases in point.
Soon after her beige stint, she was seen in a pretty pink pair of gym tights combined with a matching sports bra which was gone onto layered with a cropped white Balmain t-shirt. Typical Suhana style behavior!
Also Read: Suhana Khan In A Cropped Sweater, Tights And Rs 20K Gucci Sliders Turns Heads With Her Casual Style
We should have known that we were bound to get more of these laidback cool casuals ever since we saw her return back to the bay in all-black.
Suhana Khan had already impressed us with her casual chic outfits and she's gone on to have the same effect on us with her sporty cool casuals too. What next, Suhana?