B-town actor Shahid Kapoor recently shared a dope selfie with his wife Mira Rajput as the couple posed during what looked like a beach getaway for the picture. The Teri Baaton Mein Aisa Uljha Jiya actor created quite a buzz on the internet with the tropical-themed picture that saw him and his wife posing wearing black sunglasses. All in all, we would say that it was a slaycation more than a vacation. Also Read: Shahid Kapoor Wins The Suave Dressing Game In An Achkan Set At Dadasaheb Phalke Awards ADVERTISEMENT Shahid Kapoor's beach-ready selfie with wife Mira Rajput featured the power couple looking chic and ready for a swim as they posed in tropical outfits and sunglasses. Mira Rajput was wearing a floral printed bikini top with a plunging squoval neckline and spaghetti straps, a dainty gold and white stone pendant, and a pair of black oversized sunglasses with gold rims. Mira's hair was done up in a half-top knot ponytail that had her waves falling on her shoulders. As for her makeup of the day, Mira went for a no-makeup beach look with nothing but a fresh face. Shahid carried off a bare-chested look with crew cut hair and dark aviator sunglasses. The two definitely set couple style goals for the world to follow suit. But this is not the first time they've aced their fashion game together. Shahid and Mira have matched steps on the fashion front quite a few times in the past. ADVERTISEMENT Mira shared a picture on her Instagram handle of the couple slaying winter fashion during their recent summer getaway in Europe. Mira opted for a pair of wide-leg blue denims and a multi-coloured striped jumper along with her hair left open and held black with her sunglasses doubling up as a hair band. Shahid complemented Mira's look in a pair of white trousers, a cream hoodie and his black wayfarer sunglasses. ADVERTISEMENT The couple also set athleisure outfit goals in another picture that Mira shared of the two at the gym. Mira was wearing a pair of blue high-waist leggings with a white bralette and a pair of black trainers. Shahid, who flexed his muscles posing right behind her, donned a grey muscle tee with a pair of black shorts and white trainers for the look. ADVERTISEMENT Weren't Shahid and Mira aceing their style game with their sunglasses on and wearing tropical OOTDs for their beach look of the day? In fact, they ace couple style goals always, we say. CommentsAlso Read: Unravel The Mystery Of The Stonehenge Like Mira Kapoor Did On Her English Holiday |