Swara Bhasker joined the lot of Bollywood celebrities to get hitched this year and married activist Fahad Amin in a private ceremony recently. After dazzling in a multicoloured Abu Jani Sandeep Khosla lehenga for her reception held in Delhi, it was her Walima ensemble that stole the show. The ceremony signals marital bliss post the wedding functions and this time, the new bride took tradition very fashionably for the function. Swara wore an outfit by Pakistani designer Ali Xeeshan from Ali Xeeshan Theater Studio, who also designed the outfit for the groom. She shared photos of Fahad and herself looking absolutely fabulous at their Walima function.
My Walima outfit came all the way from Lahore via Dubai- Bombay-Delhi finally to Bareilly! I've long marvelled at the talent of #AliXeeshan#AliXeeshanTheatreStudio
— Swara Bhasker (@ReallySwara) March 21, 2023
When I called him with an idea of wearing his work @ Walima, his warmth & generosity made me admire the person. 1/n pic.twitter.com/pc9vPop70U
Swara wore a glorious gold anarkali suit with long sleeves which featured embroidered sequin and thread work in shades of gold, pink and green in floral and decorative patterns. Draped over her shoulders and bun hairstyle was a tissue dupatta with broad designs across the length and a scalloped sequin border. Both outfits were also personalized with messages and details special to the couple. For jewellery, Swara wore a choker necklace and jhumka earrings with green stones. She also wore a maang tikka in her hair and an oversized nose ring in gold.
. Ali Xeeshan not only sent Jodi outfits for @FahadZirarAhmad & me, but customised them painstakingly with personalised details & messages embroidered into the exquisite garments. My sarhad-paar ki bestie @Natrani came to our rescue & enabled the outfits to reach Dubai. 2/n pic.twitter.com/vLcChhXyCW
— Swara Bhasker (@ReallySwara) March 21, 2023
In her caption on Twitter, Swara detailed how her Ali Xeeshan's Walima look made its way for her special day. All the way from the designer in Pakistan, the outfits came from Lahore to Dubai; after which it made its way to Mumbai, then Delhi and finally into her arms in Bareilly. We don't think any other wedding ensemble has travelled quite as much as Swara Bhasker's. And we're glad it made its way to her because she looked like a magnificent bride wearing it.
From sarhad paar Annie rescued me in crisis. Ali who has never met me & is based in Lahore managed to send me my dream outfit for a wedding finale! Makes me realise love & friendship cannot be contained in borders & boundaries. Feeling blessed & grateful. @Natrani@ALIXEESHANpic.twitter.com/ZAPzoClTl3
CommentsADVERTISEMENT— Swara Bhasker (@ReallySwara) March 21, 2023
(Also Read: Swara Bhasker's Bridal Joy Shines Through Her Colourful Abu Jani - Sandeep Khosla Lehenga)