OTT Play App Awards was a star-studded affair with many Bollywood actors under one roof. Taapsee Pannu was amongst the many others who attended the event stylishly. Known for her phenomenal performances and acting, Taapsee won the best actor award in the popular category for Haseen Dillruba. Walking down the red carpet to collect her award, Taapsee wore a striking sea green gown and grabbed all the eyeballs. The sleeveless gown featured a plunging neckline, a dramatic front slit and a gorgeous trail to follow. Taapsee kept the accessories minimal by opting for a studded drop necklace and wore minimal glam makeup with subtly-done eyes and glossy lips. Wearing her mane in a curly bun, Taapsee stole the show.
Also Read: Taapsee Pannu In A White Mini Dress And Striped Sneakers Is Channeling Summer Style To The Hilt
While promoting the movie Dobaaraa throughout the city, Taapsee Pannu gave the right kind of boss lady vibes in a solid green blazer. The actor wore a strappy satin top with a plunging neckline which she teamed with a pair of wide leg pants. She carried a three-quarter sleeved blazer with the outfit. The actor accessorised the outfit with a delicate gold necklace. For makeup she kept it minimal and rosy with cheek tint, subtly kohled eyes and pink lip gloss, while tying her mane in a curly bun.
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Taapsee Pannu was seen promoting Shabaash Mithu a few days back across the city. On one such promotional event Taapsee opted for a blue bodycon dress from Oh Polly. The full-sleeved mini dress had leather detailing along with a white corset overlay which added the oomph factor to the outfit and featured an asymmetrical hemline and plunging neckline. Taapsee wore hoop earrings and nude strappy heels with the outfit, as the only accessories. Tying her mane in a neat ponytail, the actor opted for dewy makeup with glossy lip tint, subtle kohled eyes and well-contoured cheeks..
Taapsee Pannu's wardrobe choices are fun and fabulous, thus proved.
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