If there's one celebrity who is ruling fashion headlines this season, it has got to be Vaani Kapoor. No matter how hard you try, we're certain you won't find anyone quite as stylish during these monsoons. Upcoming Shamshera promotions have kept Vaani Kapoor on her toes but not enough for her to drop the ball for a TV show appearance. The Bollywood actress was snapped on the set of a show looking as glorious as always. Vaani sported a silver corset which had a low neckline and sheer silver panels over the torso. Complementing it were a floaty pair of light pink trousers which had wide legs. Vaani completed her outfit with a glittering pair of silver heels.
(Also Read: Vaani Kapoor Flows Like The Monsoon Breeze In A Boho Chic Printed Co-Ord Set)
For accessories, she wore silver earrings and had a chunky ring around her finger. Vaani wore her hair in a half-up half-down hairdo with shimmering eye makeup. Highlighter lit up her face gorgeously while she threw in a glossy neutral coloured lip.
To say that Vaani Kapoor looked stunning would be a moot point because you knew that already, didn't you? What we also noted was how she is taking the corset fashion trend to the next level. Bollywood stars from Jahvi Kapoor to Bhumi Pednekar to Pooja Hegde have all taken their turn in the trend and now, Vaani joins the pack. We adore when a celebrity keeps her eyes open for what's happening in the fashion sphere and it seems like Vaani Kapoor certainly is.
(Also Read: Sorry Vaani Kapoor, Even We Don't Have The Correct Words To Tell You How Wonderfully Boho Chic You Look)